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The Cash Me Out oil is created and designed for women who do sex work, work in the club, or are regular everyday women who want to see an increase in their sex appeal and draw more men to them.


We reccomend this oil for dancers, escorts, bottle girls, waitresses, those with OnlyFans, and whomever else wants to add a little pep in their step to be able to get exactly what they want, using what they already have.


Remember in order for the magic to work, you have to put in the leg work. Go to work, start promoting yourself, and push the envelope. Go out more, attempt to be more outgoing, talk to yourself nice, and invest in getting your hair and nails done. Give the magic something it can work off of.


You can have exactly what you want, using what you already have. This oil should be applied onto clean skin. 2oz. Products include natural herbs ; tea tree oil .

Do not use if pregnant .

Please be mindful of skins sensitivity when purchasing soaps and oils.

Grapeseed is the oils base.

Cash Me Out Oil


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